Expert Elicitation

Verba volant, mathematica manent: Formalizing psychological theories as models

Formalizing research hypotheses as statistical models within attachment theory considering expert judgement and relevant knowledge in the field.

Quantify plausible effect size

Quantify plausible effect size is an important point when designing an experiment. When previuos result in the litterature are limited expert opinions can be used to define the range of plausible effect sizes.

Elicitation and formalization of experts’ knowledge

Considering the role of expert knowledge in the formalization of priors within Bayesian analysis. Applied example of elicitation with school teachers considering the difference in average height between boys and girls (Slides in italian).

Eliciting and formalizing experts’ knowledge about effect sizes

Formalizing priors according to expert knowledge. Possible application in Psychology using a ShinyApp.

Heights Elicitation

Expert Elicitation about effect sizes using an example about the difference in average height between boys and girls.